Enhancing Security Through Technical Surveillance Counter Measure (TSCM) Services

Enhancing Security Through Technical Surveillance Counter Measure (TSCM) Services

A global leader in manufacturing, aware of the growing menace of corporate espionage, and specifically concerned about the potential threat of unauthorized surveillance compromising sensitive information like product design & specifications, Intellectual Property (IP), supply chain, manufacturing processes, as well as customer, vendor & financial information, reached out to MitKat Advisory for reassurance and support.

MitKat team carried out an assessment to identify potential vulnerabilities and followed it with comprehensive Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) operations across the board room, CEO & key offices, R&D locations and other sensitive premises. The Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) team utilized state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to detect electronic surveillance devices, identify communication interceptions, and uncover any potential weaknesses in the client’s security infrastructure.

The Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) process involved:

From criminals and unfair competitors to even state-sponsored adversaries, electronic eavesdropping is a growing menance. Modern surveillance devices are often small, discreet and highly effective.

To ensure security of your buildings, private conversations or business secrets, in addition to robust physical and cyber security measures, it is imperative that Technical Surveillance Counter Measure (TSCM) be adopted to ensure no leakage of unauthorised information through undetected or rogue RF surveillance and/or data transmission. Counter technical surveillance adds another useful layer to security. A combination of state of the art Technical Surveillance Counter Measure (TSCM) devices and well-trained operators ensures robust security.

MitKat Advisory identified vulnerabilities which could be exploited by threats to create risks to the organization. The client was provided with a comprehensive report detailing the vulnerabilities detected & recommended countermeasures to effect security improvements. Our team helped plug these vulnerabilities to ensure a robust security architecture. Update of policies, random as well as regular Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) sweeps ahead of major events, awareness programs for identified executives & other measures have been put in place to provide assurance to the leadership team that is staying ahead of the threats – internal & external.

As the landscape of security technology threats continues to evolve at a rapid scale, MitKat Advisory remains committed to safeguarding our clients’ people and information. We employ the latest & most updated equipment in our Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM), staying ahead of emerging technologies & tactics employed by potential threats for electronic eavesdropping.

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